Manage Reward Fulfillment

Non digital rewards need some more management and interaction with your subscribers.
Our solution helps you keep track of your shipment and the process of obtaining information from your referrers.


After a subscriber earned a new reward, they will be moved into the "Earned" state, meaning you will have to take action to actually reward them.

On our dashboard you are able to see which subscriptions need action:

Rewards Dashboard - Needs Fulfillment

Fulfillment Status Earned

Subscribers with a fulfillment status "Earned" just earned their new reward.

Rewards - Fulfillment Earned

Keep Track of your Process

You are able to change the status to the following states

  • Earned - Your subscriber just earned their reward
  • Waiting for Response - You are waiting for your subscriber to respond (e.g. with their address)
  • Information Received - You received their information
  • Processing Fulfillment - The reward is being shipped
  • Fulfilled - Your subscriber received the reward
Rewards Fulfillment Status Changes

Subscriber Information

Some rewards require additional information such as the subscribers shipping address. Once you gathered their information, Firewards will remember the details so you'll not have to ask again.

Fulfillment Details

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